May 31, 2010


I was away this long Memorial weekend in Las Vegas with Vickie, my NYC bestie and about 15 other ladies to celebrate a friend's (Julie) birthday. We had such a good time, doing all the things we love to do:  eat, drink, people watch, sleep late, go running, browse in the designer shops and dance into the wee hours. So much fun!

But I missed my boys. A lot.  I came home feeling very grateful for everything that I have.  Mike and I were talking yesterday and we both came to the conclusion that we have never been happier, both with ourselves and with our life together. I'm pretty sure it has a LOT to do with the little people in the photos, below.  I know that children can put a strain on a marriage, but in our case the opposite has happened.  When one of the babies throws an attitude we band together, kind of like, 'It's us against the crazies!'. 

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the last week.

I am becoming obsessed with LW and his sweet little face. He is so yummy.

  And Hudson has become obsessed with Mike's iPad (mine! mine!). Poor Mike.


hudsonsgranny said...

That H is such a clown. did he finaly take off his socks to put on your flip flops?

Tamara said...

The boys are just too cute for words! I'm sure you enjoyed your girl time and it made you appreciate all your boys that much more!

How about posting some fashion pics of you out in Vegas!