There is not much new. Mike has been traveling (got home last night, a day earlier than planned - hooray!). I've been pretty busy at work. We are developing a new RIA from the ground up in Adobe Flex and this week a major feature got pushed to QA. So it's cool to see that come together.
We have an event for the shop this evening at Mura (a cool sushi place in North Hills) called 'Haute Halloween' so Ralph and Sandy are coming over to hang out with the Hudson.
I found these photos on the camera when I downloaded. It's odd to find pictures that I didn't take since I am the photo bug in the house. But these were clearly taken when I wasn't around. Looks like Mike tried to build a barricade to keep H from getting to the dog bowls. FAIL!

Haha! I outwitted you again, Daddy!

At nv, we carry a clothing line called Canterbury New Zealand. I am actually not a fan - it's kind of a frat-boyish, rugby-style. We were planning to drop the line, as it didn't do all that well over the spring/summer. When Mike heard that there would be no more Canterbury I thought he would cry. Last year they made a style of cargo pant that he loved. And I mean LOVED. He only got one pair because we only bought 2 colors and the other color sold in his size before he could steal - errr I mean buy - them from the shop. He literally wears these cargos 3 times a week at least. He's been asking me forever when we were going to get more in. I kept telling him that we were NOT getting any more EVER. The pants are available from other places, so he could have just bought them elsewhere.
Mike: When are you getting more of those PANTS?
Nic: I've told you, we're not.
Mike: What?? But I want some more colors.
Nic: Then just go online, find them and buy them for yourself.
Mike: I don't want to pay RETAIL for them. I want them at cost.
We've had this conversation (no exaggeration) at least five times. Finally I caved.
So, I had to call the rep (it's Wes, the guy with the mullet-hawk) and tell him that we had a 'client' that loved the pants and wanted to place a special order. Mind you, this is frowned upon because we haven't placed any Holiday or Spring orders from this line so it's becoming obvious that we are dropping them. The reps are generally disinclined to accommodate these 'special requests' when you are not going to be an ongoing client. Anyway, the 'client's' wish was granted and last week 6 pairs (in different colors) of the Gilooly Cargo Pant arrived to Mike's absolute friggin' glee. When he picked them up from the store Riley said she had never seen him so happy.
He tried them on one after the other and we had a little fashion show.

This video isn't great, but it captures some of what my evenings look like. Hudson eats his dinner, then I let him get in his walker (his favorite thing), give him some snacks and he runs around. Most of his snacks end up on the floor. The dogs try to get the food, Hudson tries to get the dogs, and the cycle goes around and around.